Friday, November 21, 2014

Friday, November 21 - Ekphrasis

Caravaggio: Davide/Galea (1607)

His name is not Inigo Montoya,
This man did not kill my father,
This man did not have six fingers on his right hand.
This man was not prepared to die.
But die he did.

This victorious man, holding aloft a blade,
Faced down his enemy, and laid
down the long arm of the law,
and that last thing that the man saw,
was his life flashing before his eyes.

Who was this man, beaten and slain?
What would we see if we went down his memory lane?
Was he a cruel, psychopathic beast who deserved justice?
Or was he murdered by someone who is completely heartless?
All I know is the dude still standing looks pretty smug about himself.

Or maybe not. Find out here

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