Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Wednesday, November 12--Haunted House

The quiet little town of Kadoka, South Dakota, was thrown out somewhere in the countryside, founded by people who clearly did not like social interaction. Just like every other small town in the middle of nowhere, Kadoka had its secrets. And in this particular case, the secret was a haunted house. This wasn't some creepy mansion at the end of the street that no one had lived in for a few years; oh no, this was probably the most infamous place in the whole county. Everyone knew the place was haunted, and the sheer creepiness of the place had driven half of the towns population away. Those that remained stayed way clear of the place, leaving the House, as it had come to be called, on one side of town all by itself. 
But just like every small town with a haunted house, there was a group of high school kids who had nothing else better to do than go out and try to get in trouble. It really wasn't all that hard, since there wasn't anyone around to stop them. So one night, this group of five friends, consisting of a Josh, Tim, Sarah, Hannah, and DeTroy Notagenericname decided to go and visit the one place, the one taboo, in their community: the House. 
Only Sarah really protested to this idea, saying, "Wasn't that the home of that cat serial killer? I don't want to go inside there." Everyone in town still shivered at it's worst criminal. The Cat Killer had kidnapped almost every domestic cat in the county and had taken them back to his house. None of the little felines were ever seen again. 
But of course, the group went anyway, completely ignoring the sensible advise that Sarah gave. She decided that she should come along as well, since they would need her as a voice of reason. 
They all arrived at the house around midnight. There was no moon, nor any streetlamps in either direction. The house was merely a shadow smeared on an already black canvas. Now, as all generic horror story teenagers do, they all (except Sarah) took out some cigarette lighters to help find their way. DeTroy, being the boldest of them all, sprang up the front porch and rang the old doorbell. Instead of the simple ding-dong, there was a gong sound that shook the floorboards of the porch.
"Yo, I don't think this is a good idea," Tim said, his nerve failing him. The gong sound persisted, and he almost wet his pants when the door slammed open. 
The stench of the house almost overwhelmed the group at first, but they tosses all of their logic, reasoning, and good sense out the door as they went in. Hannah tripped in the foyer, feeling the soft floor. "Guys, the floor feels really soft. The Cat Killer must have had a good sense in carpet. 
Josh lowered his lighter to the ground, saying, "Yeah, if that includes the pelts of every cat in the town."
Sarah, Hannah, and Tim all screamed and hopped up and down, none of them wanting to touch the floor. 
"You know what would be more fun than exploring this place?" DeTroy said. "Burning this creepy place down."
They all quickly agreed when a few cat skulls rolled down the stairs. They scrambled out of the house and back to the street. Now, however, it was filled with light, for a terrifying ghost head hovered over the house. "Its the Cat Killer!" Tim cried.
"What do you want with us? We don't have any cats or money, but we have women!" Josh cried up to the spirit. 
"Hey!" Cried the girls, but they were ignored.
"I heard that you were going to burn down my house," the ghost said in a whimpering voice. "That's arson, and if you do, I will sue you for everything your parents own!"
"But you're dead! How are you going to hire an attorney?" DeTroy challenged. 
"But, it wouldn't be falling the horror story code! You all enter, die one by one due to your race or social class, and one of you, probably the voice of reason, will make it out alive but will be deemed crazy by society!"
"But why would we ever do that?"
"Because if you don't, then I'll be sure to tell everyone that you're a bunch of losers! You guys want to be cool, don't you?"
"I guess we can't argue with that," Josh said as he, DeTroy, Tim, and Hannah all went inside. Sarah decided that it would be a good time to run. But she tripped and fell down a manhole, so she was never seen again either, because the four teens who went inside surely died some horrible and gory death, but since this story is already long as crap I won't be going into detail. Use your imagination. 
Kadoka, SD : Main Street looking North toward Kadoka School in distance
I lied. That's Sarah stumbling into town the next morning. 
Have a good day. 


  1. I love the parody of EVERY horror movie EVER made. Also the Cat Serial Killer. Because why not.

  2. It's good. However, be sure to proofread before publishing; there are some minor typos that need to be fixed.
