Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Tuesday, November 18--Treason and Historical Fiction

Today, the government will fall. Since Bloody Monday all the way back in 2022, the new American Empire has ruled the people with an iron fist. All of our former allies have all been betrayed and conquered, Now, a hundred years later, there is very little of the free world that can stand against the big brother government.
My name is Sofa. I know, its an odd name, but my parents wanted something original. Too bad they're not around to call me that. They were killed by the government when they were smuggling me out of the country. I've been living in China for the last 23 years. They have united with Russia to form the Red Band, and they are literally the only ones left that is keeping the American Empire from taking over the world.
Though the Red Band continues to fight on, me and my fellow conspirators, the Order of Fawkes, know that our nation cannot win through strength of arms alone. China and Russia will fall if nothing changes. Therefore, the Order of Fawkes, named after Guy Fawkes of course, had been planning to strike the Empire right in the heart. If we can succeed in destroying the government ruling class and killing the emperor, then maybe the people from all over the world will rise up and fight back.
Of course, the people that we want to kill are the most highly protected on the planet. Washington DC is a military fortress. I don't even know if any civilians are allowed to live there anymore. It's all soldiers and government officials. The place is locked up tighter than a rich man's purse, but my organization has some of the best thieves and assassins the world has to offer. We rather easily left China and landed on America'a eastern coast. We studied an entire company of imperial soldiers outside the city. We were all assigned to impersonate one of them, and we spent months secretly learning their habits and behaviors, and, more importantly, all of the pass codes and information that will get us into the city. When the time was right, we killed them all and took their places. Now with the official patches of imperial soldiers, we have access to the city.
Today, the government will fall. The emperor is meeting with congress today to discuss future actions against the Red Band. Better yet, they were having this meeting in the old capital building. We piled onto four large trucks and headed for the city. My commander managed to bluff our way inside, saying that someone had requested more bodyguards. The imperial soldiers at the gate didn't double check this. Everyone knows what happens to soldiers who bother the congressmen.
Now that we are inside the city, it is finally time for the final plan. To my greatest honor, my commander chose me to lead thirty men to infiltrate the sewers beneath the capital building to set explosives, while the rest of the order patrols the outside like any other guard, making sure that no one escapes.
I lead the men through the sewers and maintenance tunnels underneath the building. Not surprisingly, the area is guarded with drones. I decide that we need to knock them out quickly. Once one goes down, the soldiers up top will know whats going on. I raise my plasma pistol and fire on the drones, turning them into melting slag. "Go! plant as many explosives as you can!" I tell my men, and the scramble off to do my bidding. It isn't long before enemy soldiers start to find us. Before long, there are firefights all throughout the basement. I myself kill four soldiers who got in my way. I feel no remorse; it was these people who had killed my parents. I regroup with the remains of my team, though there are only ten of us left.
"All the charges are set! We must detonate them before the enemy can disarm them!" One of them says.
"Let us head to the surface. Give me the detonator. When we are outside, I will blow this whole place up." The slim stick of metal is pressed into my hands. It gives me great satisfaction to know that the power to end the world as we know it is in my hand. We head out the way we come and exit through a manhole in a street near the capital building.
The second my head emerges from the hole, I am roughly grabbed by the hair and hauled out. From the black uniforms that now surprise me, I know that the imperial soldiers have quickly taken control. The man who grabbed me beats me with the butt of his rifle. I collapse on the ground, but I am still conscious. Through a haze of blood I can see the building, and that most of the order is dead. Those that remain are being executed one by one. I also see that the emperor himself, and all of congress are outside the building, but scattered all over the steps.
Today, the government will fall, but I will die with it. These soldiers will kill me; they never take prisoners. I only have one chance to make everything right before it is too late. my eyes meet with the commander of the order, who lies beaten on the ground nearby. He nods. I can only hope that the emperor is close enough to the building. Just as a soldier raises his weapon to finish me off, I jam my finger down on the detonator. The ground cracks and shakes, a wave of fire washed over all, and then darkness.

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