Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thursday, November 20 - Emotions

There is a great and endless war that rages throughout the mind. On one side there is Joy; the light of the conscious, everything that is good and glorious in this world. Joy rules with the hand of justice and peace, leading ever onward with the mind at full strength. On the other there are the combined forces of Fear, Anger, Disgust, and Sadness. They all want to enslave the mind, turn it into a beast that wallows around in misery. They want to rule an oppressed mind that no longer has the strength to fight of it's own enemies. 
There are some days when Joy is stronger, but there are others when Anger, Fear, Disgust, and Sadness are in control. Those are dark days. But Joy, being swept along with happiness and confidence, always rides on and wins the mind back. But always the others will resist. They will not stop until the mind is under their control. Joy knows this, and that it must fight until the eternal darkness when the mind closes forever.
And one day, Anger, Fear, Disgust, and Sadness all approached Joy with a challenge. "Your doom day is coming. In 12 days it will begin. You know that it is coming, and you know that you will never be weaker."
"And what of it? Joy can always be found in the darkness of times."
"But Anger will be felt. The Anger that the mind is abandoned, left alone, doomed to continue on without a guiding hand. Anger that this dooms day has to happen. Yes, Anger is the emotion that will control the mind."
"There will be no anger, for the mind has already accepted the fact that doomsday is coming. Anger, you are too late to take control. There will be no anger, for the mind will not be alone this time. Even if it is, the truth will finally be known, and there is Joy in that."
Anger left in a huff, shouting and screaming abuse to the world and everything in it. Fear came up next, shaking and quivering, and whispered in Joy's ear. "But even you will feel the fear that is coming on doomsday. You know what will happen. You have already gone through this many times; you know what awaits you. You fear the silence and the darkness."
"Fear, you are not strong enough. The mind is ready. It fears no pain, nor blindness, nor loneliness, for it has made preparations.What you say it true, this has happened before. But just like every time, the shadow will always pass."
Fear tried again. "But you fear of more another doomsday! That this is not the end!"
Joy nodded her head. "Perhaps, but part of my being, Hope, allows me to believe that this will finally be an end to this, and there is Joy in that."
Fear jumped away, constantly looking back over his shoulder. Disgust came next, a glutiness blob that tries to consume Joy.  "The mind will be disgusted. This is the final test, we all agreed to this. The mind will be left alone, completely forgotten, and the only thing it feels towards those it once knew is Disgust."
"Yes," Joy agreed, "This is the Final Test, but the mind will not be disappointed. There is already much support for it; it will not be forgotten. It will feel endless gratitude instead of Disgust. And there is much Joy in that."
Disgust rolled away, growling and leaving a trail of slime in his wake. Sadness was last, timid and small, but perhaps the greatest of the minds enemies. It spoke in a soft voice of one who had given up all hope. "If what you say does not come true, then I will rule. The mind will never be in a greater state of depression. I will be all that is left, abandoned in the empty shell that was once a person."
Then Joy stooped down and lifted Sadness's chin. "But what I say is true, I know it this time. Even before when this has happened, I have always emerged on top. Life will always give the mind reasons to be joyful, and one day you will see that your sadness will be shed as the mind finally reaches the end destination. We are not so different, you and I. There are many times when we have worked together, and others when we are the bitterest of enemies. But on this oncoming doomsday, you will see just how wrong you are. For this time, the light will shine all the clearer, and the curtain will be torn, and the darkness will finally pass. And in this case, there is much Joy in that."
Maybe these are the voices you hear, perhaps not. Or maybe you're just schizophrenic. 
Take your pick.

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