Monday, September 15, 2014

Monday, September 15th-What the deuce?

Let's say that this woman in the front is Marie, and she's the fairest lady in all the village. She's so popular, in fact, that she has her own personal band that follows her around wherever she goes. There's a trained and posh goat who plays the cello, and then there is little boy blue who isn't playing a trumpet, but a clarinet looking thing. There's also a chicken, but everyone knows that chickens don't play instruments, so it's just there to sing. So Marie here walks around town after nightfall, because she's so fair that she actually glows. The chicken sings her praises and the goat and little boy blue play in the background. Of course, since Marie is the most attractive lady in the village, most of the men are after her. They send her flowers, friendly letters, and some have even managed to take her on picnics to the lake. No one, however, was so determined to win her hand than Tim. This guy stalked her wherever she went, sometimes jumping out of alleys and hay bales just to sniff her hair and creepily grab her. I think that's what he's supposed to be doing. Of course, this behavior frightened Marie, and she prayed to the great Fish God, who flied around on a big, red kite ringing a bell--signals his oncoming wrath--to come and save her. So, just when Tim is up to his usual stunts, the Fish God is swooping down from the sky to smite him down, while the private band plays endlessly in the background. I guess this is when Marc Chagall stumbles upon everyone, and he saw an opportunity to paint and he took it. Either he walked around the corner at the exact right time to witness the creepiness of Tim and the wrath of the Fish God, or Chagall was really high on LSD when he painted this thing. Take your pick.

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