Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Tuesday, September 9th-Film review

The movie that I will be discussing today is Hugo, and don't expect much because it was really pathetic. And this is coming from someone who only saw the trailer years ago and is currently looking at a movie poster. Basically, from what I understand it, this little kid, I would imagine that is name is Hugo, loses his dad who was some technological genius or something. Well, the dad leaves his kid some key thing that goes to one of his inventions, and I think it's some kind of robot or something, so I guess that's pretty scientific, since it's set in like 1900. The dad though doesn't tell his son where to find the robot, or at least not directly, so he has to go on some quest or something to find it. And from looking at the poster, I'm going to guess that it is in the big clock tower that the kid is hanging from. Why he is hanging from the thing, I can't imagine. There's probably some bad guy who's after the key who put him there; maybe it's the station master who's running after Hugo and some girl for like half of the whole movie trailer. But station masters don't make good villains, but then again, I think that this is supposed to be a kids movie. But yeah, Hugo meets some girl along the way, and I guess there is supposed to be some little kid love story, because they're like ten or something. They run away from the station master guy at the train station a bunch, so I guess they go on together to find this robot thing in the clock tower. Oh, so the station master dude is on the poster along with the two kids, so I guess he is the bad guy. In short, it's this little kid who is looking for his dad's robot that's hiding in a big clock tower that requires this key thing, and he meets up with this girl and they run around a train station and make the station guy all mad at them, so he continues to chase after these kids for no reason. I think it is also safe to assume that they find the robot thing in the end. This may or may not be the plot of this movie at all, and since I am not a movie critique whatsoever and haven't even seen the film, you should probably take my opinion with a grain of salt.
Wait, this is the wrong Hugo. I would imagine that the movie would have been better if they cast this guy.
See? There's the two kids, the clock tower, and the station master, so he's got to be the bad guy. I'm assuming that the old dude is Hugo's dad or something, because what other purpose would he have in this movie?

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