Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Wednesday, September 3rd-Newspaper Article Re-Write

Military Setbacks Rattle Synol
Tyrn, the capital city of Synol
            Military forces in Synol have recently announced that they are being forced to change their strategies in fighting the Insurrectionists. According to a military official from Tyrn, the capital city on Synol, the military is lessening off on the Insurrectionists and is preparing for an all-out invasion from the Soman Empire.  
      In recent months, the primarily human colony of Synol has been battling a growing rebellion against Soman Empire sympathizers. The Insurrectionists, as the Synol government has grown to call them, have taken over the residential capital of Carth on the planet’s southern continent. From there, they also control the colony’s second largest space-port. The colony is located in the Laret System in the Incarte Nebula, which is only a few light years away from the Soman Empire border. In fact, it is the nearest colony to the Empire, or at least until the plans for an additional colony is approved in the Syll System on the far edge of the Incarte Nebule.
            The Synol military has taken several devastating blows lately. Their forces have been entirely pushed off of the southern continent, losing their foothold into enemy territory. It has been reported that a small battle group of destroyers hammered the once government controlled cities from low orbit, forcing the Synol military to retreat. The government claims that the rebels do not have the military spaceships and the attack must have been supported by the Soman Empire itself. There have been several unconfirmed  reports that Imperial troops were spotted on the ground, and that there is a fleet of up to 400 vessels over the planet’s south pole. The Synol military has no more than fifty warships, and have not risked an attack on this rumored enemy fleet.
            As a human colony, the Synol government is appealing to the Interstellar Human Alliance (IHA) to send both a fleet and an army to help defend the planet. They claim that they are being slowly invaded by the Soman Empire, and it is an open act of war. The IHA has been slow to respond with action. Several negotiations with the Somans have taken place, but they continue to deny in taking any part in the recent actions on Synol. Also, the colony has yet to be approved and admitted under the protection under the IHA, and as a new and under-developed colony, the Alliance is debating whether or not they want to risk open war to save a planet that is not of much strategic value.  However, an Alliance ambassador has visited the rest of Synol’s neighbors in the Laret System. These other colonies are all fully under the protection of the IHA, and the ambassador has declared that no Soman forces will attack these other colonies, at risk of a full-fledged war. The IHA has also appealed to the InterGalactic Republic for assistance in case the Soman Empire ignores these warnings. However, the Republic, along with the IHA, is still rebuilding from the recent Yarrew War, and there is little that they can send to Synol in support. The Soman Empire was also our allies during the Yarrew War, and the Republic is not yet willing to return to old hostilities between the two nations.

This is the fleet rumored to have been given to Cownal to protect the Laret System
            Just yesterday, the IHA has commissioned Admiral Cownal with a fleet totaling 5000 ships to protect the Laret System in case of an invasion. The Soman Empire once again denied any involvement, but it also continues to contradict the numerous reports coming from Synol. The president of the IHA herself is planning to visit the Soman Capital to end this situation without violence. If the negotiations fail, then it will force both the IHA and the Republic to respond with action. 

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