Friday, August 29, 2014

Friday, August 29-Two Moons

"Guys, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore," Joseph said as the team opened the top hatch of the submarine to look around. Two gigantic moons hovered in the sky; one was pearly white, but the other was dark blue. There were also thousands upon thousands of stars to be seen, far more than any place on Earth.

"It's beautiful," Kathy said, squeezing up alongside Joseph.

"Could you two make some room?" Came a voice from below. Kathy and Joseph quickly jumped out of the way as the team leader, Daniel, and the other two crew members, Tom and Sarah, emerged on top of the submarine.

There was silence for a long time as the five people sat on the wet hull of their submarine, staring off into the infinite depths of space. "Does anyone have any idea where we are?" Tom asked, but no one answered him. They were all too busy examining the skies, except for Daniel, who was already trying to work out the dilemma on how to get back.

"We need to find land," he muttered, scanning the horizon. "We need to find some intelligent life, whatever that may be, and find out what is going on."

"But which direction should we go?" Sarah asked. "I can't see anything but water." The whole team stood up carefully and looked about, but none of them saw anything promising.

"There has to be land somewhere," Kathy reasoned. "We should start heading in some direction; wherever we go, we should strike land eventually."

"But how long will that take? We don't have that much supplies. We were only supposed to pick up some coral samples, not be out on the ocean for weeks," Daniel said angrily, upset that he couldn't find an easy solution to the problem he was now stuck in.

"Land could literally be just out of sight," Joseph argued. "We might as well try. I don't fancy being stuck out here until we die of thirst."

"Or we could just head back down," Kathy reasoned. "We must have gone through a portal of some kind. Maybe it can take us back the other way." Understandably, this struck them all as a great idea, so they all headed back down into the belly of their sub. Once the hatch was sealed, they dove deep into the waters.

"How deep were we when we first got here?" Daniel asked.

"Can't say. It looks like all of our sensors are still malfunctioning," Joseph reported from his station. The sub went ever deeper, until they could all feel the pressure starting to become extreme.

"We didn't go this deep. If we were going to go through it, we would've done it by now. Bring us back up to the surface," Tom advised, and Daniel took the submarine out of it's dive and slowly ascended back to the surface. On the journey back up, no one spoke. They were all too worried on what they would do if they hadn't made it back.

The sub broke the surface, and there was a scramble to get out of the top hatch. Tom was the first one through, and he swore loud enough for everyone to hear him. "There's still two moons! It didn't work!"

"What are we going to do know?" Sarah asked.

"Do what Kathy suggested. We pick a direction and hope for the best," Daniel decided. They picked what they guessed was west and started prowling through the ocean into the distant horizon.

To be continued..though probably not

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