Friday, August 15, 2014

Friday, August 15 Creative Burst: First day of Kindergarten

For some reason, I can hardly remember my first day of school whatsoever. Maybe because I was home-schooled in kindergarten, but I don't think the idea of school really fazed me at all. In fact, the idea of learning seemed to have a certain appeal, and I have a few brief memories of myself happily doing lessons in my old bonus room.
If we jump ahead a year to the first day of first grade, there is a little bit more I can share. Once again, the whole idea of school wasn't too unnerving. Being away from the house and my parents for a whole day, with other people my age, seemed like a great adventure. I do remember entering my first grade classroom, and I can also remember exactly where it was in the school. My teacher was Mrs. Elder, and she was a sort of cranky little old woman. My mom didn't stay too long with me on the first day, she left way before most of the other parents did. Being in a completely unknown environment did not bother me, and I remember wandering around the classroom to see what toys and books that the place had to offer. I also remember taking out my dry erase board and scribbling all over it for some reason, and I had to be told that you had to clean the board when you were done drawing on it. This was an interesting concept for me, so I can honestly say that I learned something on my very first day of school.  I made many friends easily that day. Meeting new kids my age was exciting for me, since I grew up in a neighborhood that didn't have a lot of kids that were the same age as me. Back then, I was really outgoing, and I could talk to just about anyone and make them my friend. However, there was this one kid that annoyed me so much because he thought he was funny, and, like many who believe that, aren't at all. Everything that came out of his mouth was a lie too, so you could never take him seriously. I also remember really loving the playground for some reason. Maybe because it actually had swings, and for some reason no playground down in the south ever have very many of those. The place also was a wonderland in the winter, when all the snow from the parking lot was dumped on one end of the place.
I don't really remember much else about the first day, and there aren't very many memories about that year that I can really say for sure are real. I think I can say that that year wasn't the best, because I was never again so excited to go back to school at the end of each summer. I think that feeling deteriorates each year that goes by. But for the first day, it brought me excitement, perhaps some slight anxiety, and a determination to learn.

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