Friday, August 22, 2014

Friday, August 22-Wacky Words

Since it is a Friday night, I will have a lot of time on my hands since I will be putting off every repulsive thing of importance till Sunday evening. My friends have the same mindset that I do, and we decide that we should go off and be as counter-productive as we possibly can. So what is the first solution that we come up with? Bowling. 

My friend Jacob is the one to propose this repulsive idea. Why on Earth would we go out and bowl on such a beautiful night?

I tell him what I think. I say that there are many more things that we can do that does not require us to spend money. Or handle any balls. 

My friends laugh at this. I do not know why; sometimes they repulse me with their demented minds. To try and end their amusement, I say simply that I do not wish to go bowling. 

My friend Harrison proposes that we should go see some stupid movie, but since all of us are already going to be doing this tomorrow the idea repulses all of us. One can only watch so many movie in a 24 hour period. 

Harrison argues that it is a better alternative than bowling, and that it is cheaper too.

My other friend Matt laughs at Harrison's stupidity. He says that the family bowl charges much, much less than regal cinemas does for a night of entertainment. He says that we should go and run over stray cats. We all look at him funny. We don't think that he is right in the head. 

Now he's done it. The pair of them are fighting like a married couple. In an odd, rather repulsive way, it is quite humorous, and allows Jacob and I to ask them when the wedding date is, and which of us would be the best man. But, since we are all guys, would we both be best men? This question arises from the argument. Jacob and I discuss this rather than bowling, while Matt and Harrison continue to hurl repulsive words and insults at each other. 

Eventually, all four of us are arguing whether or not we should go bowling once again. And once again I strike down that repulsive option and say that we should go swimming before Autumn arrives.  

Now Matt tries to drop a pun. He says that this whole conversation is 'bowling' and that if we do not decide on what to do soon, he was going to go home. 

I hit him for that. One, because the makers of bad puns should be thrown into a pit of fire, and two, because he was acting like a little sissy. I tell him that his threats to go home are repulsive, and no one likes to hang out with someone who tries to guilt trip everyone else into getting his way.

Matt simply says that I repulse him. I say that his creativity is stunning, and that I would like to hit him over the head with a bowling ball.

Now the topic of bowling has been brought to the table once again. I start to realize that we are going in circles, and I start to get the feeling that we will be forever trapped in the conundrum of whether or not we should go bowling. This very idea is frightening and repulsing. I start to panic. I cannot take it any longer. I must act, or we will be trapped in the vicious bowling cycle for eternity. 

I tag Harrison and run away, screaming that he now is infected with AIDS. Naturally, Matt and Jacob run away as well, doing their best to get away from our last, now repulsive, friend. But he does not play along. He simply gets in his car, and says that he is going to the doctor after seeing the stupid movie that he wanted to watch.

Then Jacob and Matt jump on the bandwagon an go do what they wanted to do, with Jacob going to the bowling alley and Matt going to see how many cats he can run over by morning. That child is truly repulsive in every sense of the over-used word. 

I decide that my Friday night is better spent pretending that I have better friends. I twiddle my thumbs, play some Wii sports bowling, eat a pizza, watch a hilarious but stupid movie, shoot hoops, and then throw my demon of a cat into the basement for yowling outside the front door. Yes, I decide, who needs friends who want to go do the mundane activities of bowling, watching movies, or running over cats? I am only kidding myself. Weird friendships are the best ones, and I mark this Friday night as 'fulfilled'. 

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