Monday, August 25, 2014

Monday, August 25-Literary Character

Today, I think, I am going to cheat. Well, not really, just sort of. Of all the fictional characters that I can think of, I would rather bring one from my own books. So that's what I shall do.

This particular character is named Da'veran. His odd name comes from the fact that he is a Domest, a feline, warrior race that is the backbone of interstellar government. They can grow as big as lions, and as small as dogs, but are fierce, proud, and loyal to the end.

Da'veran is a member of a secret society, known as the Order of the White Robe, which is an organized force of Domest wizards that do their best to cleanse the darkness from the universe. Obviously, to be a member of this organization, one has to be a wizard, and Da'veran is one of the best.

Now, if I could bring Da'veran into the real world, it is not just because of his powerful magical abilities. He is calm and cool-headed, and his age has brought him lots of wisdom and experience. He would be a truly loyal and handy companion to have around. To make this story character enter the real world, I think I in turn will have to write a story.

The day was going perfectly well and ordinary, as most Saturdays do. I was doing nothing in particular, trying to fix one of the mods I had created on my computer. Completely involved in my task, as well as listening to music, I completely missed the soft zipping sound that came from behind me. However, I would have had to been blind to miss the golden flash that developed my room.

Completely startled, I sprang backwards, knocking my chair out from under myself and falling to the floor. I lay there, slightly dazed, suddenly amazed at how white and boring my ceiling was. I heard a soft cough from the other side of my bed. "I say, are you alright?"

I slowly rose my head up so I could see over the bed. What I saw immediately forced it back down again. Standing in the middle of my room was a giant, cat like creature with oddly pale eyes. He was dressed in a white robe that was trimmed with black silk, and he seemed quite unnerved at the fact that he had just materialized in the middle of my room. "Are you alright?" The creature said again, "I did not mean to startle you."

I was almost completely lost for words. I had no idea, who, what, or why this creature was in my room. "I think I'm fine, except I'm not sure if my heart is still beating," I finally say.

"Well then why are you still on the floor? Get up, you look rather silly hiding down there," the creature spoke. "Besides, this is not the way to meet an old friend, now is it?"

I stood up, for some underlying tone in the creatures voice made me think that he would have made me do it whether I wanted to or not. "Old friend? I think I would know if I had met you before."

"Of course you know me! I am Da'veran, a White Robe Reclaimer that you wrote about. I am your creation, so of all beings in this universe, you should know me the best."

"Da'veran? But you're in my books? How are you here? I don't remember falling asleep or taking any drugs today," I joked, starting to calm down. If this truly was Da'veran, than I would be perfectly safe with him.

"As you obviously know, I am a very gifted wizard. Powerful enough, I dare say, to break free of the restrictions of your imagination and join you, for a time, in the real world." The Domest looked around. "Is this it? It isn't quite what I expected. In my world, Earth seemed a little bit...different."

"This is just my room. There's a whole lot more to this planet. Just step outside the door," I said, pointing behind Da'veran. The Domest complied, and was back a second later.

"You have a very nice home," he said. "I'm surprised it's still standing, regarding everything that has happened here."

I knew that Da'veran must have an entirely different reality of Earth. The one that he has seen is entirely different than the one that we live in today. "So why are you here?" I finally asked.

"I felt that I should spend some time with my creator," Da'veran said simply, spreading his arms wide. "Do I need another reason?"

I shrugged. "I guess not. But what do you want to do?" I was completely puzzled on what one does with a powerful wizard on a Saturday afternoon.

"Anything you can possibly imagine. I am not bound to your reality; I am merely a guest. Of all the places in your universe, where do you want to start?" The Domest said with a toothy grin.

I returned it, saying, "You know what? I have never seen the Grand Canyon."

"Then grab my arm." I did so, and we disappeared in a flash of golden light to begin the first of many adventures.

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