Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Wednesday, September 17th-Alphabet Soup

A great castle stood upon the hill, mighty and majestic.
Built to withstand any attack, it was the center of power in the Mirate Kingdom
Crown of the North, the High Lord Elsinore, resided in this powerful fortress.
Death awaited all enemies of the Mirate Kingdom, for the castle could not be broken.
Everything changed one winter, when the castle stood out as an island of stone among a sea of snow.
Five kings of the south had united against the tyranny of the Crown of the North.
Gathering their combined armies, they marched to the Mirate Kingdom to declare their freedom. High Lord Elsinore saw his enemies coming, marching forward from all sides to surround his castle.
Instantly, the tyrant ordered his own army to defend his castle, but he was confident in his victory.
Just because the armies of five nation were against him did not mean his walls would fall down.
Knives, swords, axes, and all manners of weapons were raised into the air as the five armies chanted.
Loud and clear, they cried, "Death to the Crown of the North! Down with the Mirate Kingdom!"
Most of the defenders laughed, believing that they were safe behind the great walls of the castle.
None of them, not even High Lord Elsinore, expected the five armies to attack so fast.
Over the walls came countless grappling hooks, and the southern host began to climb upwards.
Placing his bowmen at the top of the walls, Elsinore ordered them to fire upon the attackers.
Quiver after quiver was fired into the attackers, but the united armies kept advancing.
Running low on arrows, the bowmen retreated just as the attackers reached the top of the wall.
Surely it was impossible! Enemy soldiers had reached the top of the walls! The castle was in danger!
The defenders who remained tried to fight, but they were heavily outnumbered by the five armies.
Undermining the castle's huge gates, the southern host poured into the snowy courtyard.
Veterans from the south cut through the pike men behind the gate, leaving only the keep left to take.
Worried greatly, the High Lord Elsinore tried to escape by a secret entrance, but was quickly caught.
Xis times the High Lord Elsinore was bound in chains and cast into the dungeons.
Yelling their victory to the sky, the armies conquered the castle that was thought to be unbreakable.
Zeal it was that overthrew the tyranny of the Crown of the North, bringing freedom to all lands that were once under the cruelty of the Mirate Kingdom.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Holy lightning fish gods in Valhalla, Batman. This is good. It actually runs together like a story, and is written in a rhythm like a war story would actually have been told in legend form within the time period of the story itself. Brilliant work. My only discrepancy is that i would like to have had a little more detail to the battle or perhaps a "hero" character, but given the parameters with which you were given to work I see that would be rather impossible. But this piece is exactly the embodiment of what this assignment was meant to produce.

  3. This is really good! I enjoyed it. You're a very strong writer. Brody, your comments are priceless. "Holy lightning fish gods in Valhalla, Batman."
