Thursday, October 16, 2014

Thursday October 16--Rain

There is no better weather than a good thunderstorm. It gives someone like me a good excuse to stay inside and be anti-social. Or, sometimes, I do go outside, but just to run around and hope I don't get struck by lightening. For some weird reason, I love the smell of rain on asphalt. Don't ask me why, because I probably couldn't tell you. Rain brings in a chill that drives away the last stuffiness of summer this time of year. It cools down my house enough so I can actually fall asleep at night. The endless drip dripping of the rain outside my window is probably the most soothing sound that has ever reached my ears. It'll put me to sleep at night or during the day I just open up my window and add some life back into my room. Colors always seem to look sharper after a heavy rainfall when the sun comes out. The grey clouds allow me to be cynical in a happy way. Or vice versa. I'm really not sure. But it does make me happy, for reasons that I can't explain. I may just find joy in the wrong ways, but rain usually fits my mood, in a strange sort of way. Of course, rain brings life to basically everything; without it we all would have been nothing more than dust in the wind. Coming from a family who are big farmers, a rain storm in the height of summer can mean the difference between a dried up crop or a successful harvest. The best part is when it gets colder and colder, when the rain turns to sleet and the rain turns to snow, and on those evenings when you're praying to God that the rain turns to snow during the night and you get off school the next day. I live for those evenings, with my fireplace, a good book, and some warm apple cider. And I don't care if this makes me sound old.

In case this was tl;dr, then here's a quick summary. I like rain.

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