Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Tuesday, October 7--the Flip Side

They're lying to me.
They didn't care that I couldn't see.
I was gone for weeks, blinded and alone.
And not a single message showed up on my phone.
They say they are my friends, but they gave no support.
I might as well have been locked up in some inescapable fort.
In the time I needed them the most, I was abandoned.
And my ship of trust hasn't landed,
on the shores of anyone ever since
I was left alone as the one-eyed prince.

We aren't lying to you;
We've been struggling with this too.
We've noticed you absence, and you've not been alone.
Yes, there have been some messages sent to your phone.
We did the best that we knew how, to give you all of our support,
But to us its seemed as if you've locked yourself up inside your personal fort.
You kept us away, not talking to anyone.
And just to have you know, everyone
had been hoping for the best,
and truthfully, this is no jest.

1 comment:

  1. I like this story because it is kind, It is well written out, and very descriptive.
    I also like how the two poems are mirrored to another.

    I cannot find anything as of now to help you with your story, good job!
