Thursday, October 30, 2014

Thursday, October 30--Morgan Freeman

Morgan Freeman. Morgan Freeman. These are the true facts of Morgan Freeman.
In the beginning, Morgan Freeman spoke, "Get busy living, or get busy dying," and the universe was thrust into being. Nowadays, this man of legend does far more than act in movies. All those movies that he "acts" as God? Yep. It's really him in the flesh.
You know what we believe to be earthquakes? That's just the Earth shaking in pleasure when it listens to "March of the Penguins."
When Morgan Freeman is hired to narrate a documentary, he speaks, and then nature simply makes it so. If he says that the sun is shining in Mexico, then the sun will come out.
When Morgan Freeman cries, it rains. In heaven.
When he smiles, a unicorn is born.
And when he laughs, an angel gets it's wings.
Morgan Freeman narrated his own birth, saying, "And I, Morgan Freeman, have entered this world to take my rightful place as king."
Don't think that's all he does, oh no. He also narrates the lives of everyone on the planet, including yours. He does his best to make you look dignified even when you are wasted after a night of heavy drinking.
I'm sure you go most of you life without thinking about Morgan Freeman, and most days go by without you ever hearing his name.
But he is most certainly thinking about you.
Morgan Freeman. Morgan Freeman. These are the true facts of Morgan Freeman.
"I like you just the way you are."--Morgan Freeman
PS. Check out Zefrank's real true facts about Morgan Freeman on YouTube.

1 comment:

  1. How do we get this canonized into the Bible? The Book Of Freeman.
